Learn Speaking
Register. Start or plan a conversation. Learn languages by speaking.
or log in using your Tworoles account

Contact us

Here you can ask your doubts to the customer service department, report a user, report and error or send a proposal. You also give us your opinion about the contents, design and performance of the site or any other issue.


Contract advertising

Meet the ideal place to broadcast your company

If you are interested in advertising your company or broadcast the characteristics of your product, service or brand to a target related to students, teachers and people from any country and any age, Tworoles is the right choice. Know more about us and what we can do for you and your company.

Tworoles is a social network with thousand of users that visit our web every day.

Tworoles evolves and grows day by day to offer brands, companies and users better services and ideas to become a benchmark of e-learning.

Advertising options

These are the options that we offer you to spread your message through the web,, emails y and social networks of thousands of users of Tworoles every month:

  • Sponsored newsletter
  • Banners in several places (header and columns)
  • Adding your events, meetings or courses in our agenda
  • Campaings in Facebook and Twitter

Is not available the language you want?

Request the language you would like to learn through the contact form so we can add it.